Er überprüfte daraufhin, ob auch die Venus einen solchen Einfluß auf die Sonne ausübt, und kam zu folgendem Ergebnis:Apparently, the Earth exerts an inhibitive influence upon the formation of sun spots upon its own side of the Sun or aids their formation upon the opposite side, or, perhaps, both.
Am Ende seiner Betrachtungen gibt er eine erste vage Erklärung, bei der jedem, der von den abstrusen Gravitationserklärungen den Hals voll hat, das Herz aufgehen muß:The influence of Venus on visible sun-spottedness is much greater when the planet is in the opposite side of the Sun from the Earth than when it is on the same side as the Earth. That is, the apparent effect of Venus upon the sun is to repel them to the farther side of the Sun. The phenomena observed by Mrs. Maunder indicate that the Earth also apparently repels sun spots to the farther side of the Sun.
Er schrieb das 1936. Wieviel weiter man in der Astrophysik sein könnte, wenn nicht dieser ganze Urknallmumpitz und die Nur-Gravitations-Geschichte dazwischen gekommen wäre...Any sun-spot theory must account at least for this effective repulsion. In spite of the prevailing opinion of astronomers as expressed by Stratton in "Astronomical Physics " that enormous electric fields in and near the Sun " must be ruled out," it seems to be universally agreed that the rotating gases which give rise to the powerful magnetic fields of sun spots are highly electrified.
The only known body which can repel an electrically charged body is another body similarly electrified. If the planets which are known to repel the charged sun spots are themselves electrified in the same manner as the repelled sun spots, we have a probable explanation of this repulsion.